Day 316~ Fugees “Vocab” (Refugees Hip-Hop Remix)

I have been listening to The Fugees non stop since yesterday. This song and “Killing me Softly”, over and over and over. It’s so fresh, still, and both are over 15 years old. Timeless music. I love that.

So…March 24th 2012 will be the 2 year anniversary of 365music! There will be a party in Los Angeles to celebrate, details coming soon. This party will also serve as a fundraiser to benefit Education Through Music, a non-profit organization that makes music education possible to kids in disadvantaged schools. What I am asking for are donations that will help make this fund raiser a reality. Over there to the right is a paypal donation option. If you can’t help monetarily, maybe make a contribution in another way, I am looking for food, sponsorship opportunities, raffle gifts, and anything else that makes a party a good party.

Thank you SO much for listening and continuing to support 365music!!


The Fugees: Greatest Hits - Fugees

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